VROC - UTVROC Torrey, Ut
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for larger pic, text is under the pic....Time for another runamook across the Nev desert!!!
Desert time map!
It really is nice to just sit and watch it go by, kinda like it! Never went across on 80 yet....
Bags are packed and I'm ready to go!!!! GBG No Who-dog this year, he went to play over the rainbow bridge, sigh....
Had a lunch and pit stop at the top of Carson Pass, only @8500 ft, the lowest pass to get over the mountains from KalEfornYa...
Stopped in Austin, Nv for a rest at one of the few motels, across the street from the only breakfast place! All good tho.....
When I arrived, my motel was across the street from the Kaw Pasture, I went over to see who was there.
Nice digs... but nobody there! Went back to my room and checked the UTVROC forum and lo and behold, they were all takin' off in the AM!!! No alarm clock for me!!! GBG Friday was a lay back and party day!!! Everyone got Mello..... GBSEG
View out my motel window... Nice!!!!
Headed back the next day to check things out.
Nice hot tub setup!
Stopping for lunch..on Sat.....
We took up a couple of tables, good stuff!!! Mal ate a vein clogger!!!!! God is gonna talk to him!!!!! Bad words will be whispered!!!! GBG Much later, we hope!
My pics are toast, all messed up in sequence, sorry and I can't / won't go back and fix 'um, sigh.... Where we had lunch Hell's Backbone Grill - we were on 12 headed for the Hogsback. It gets to a point where you have room for a road and on both sides..... wwwaaaaaaayyyyyy down on both sides, is a drop off! Vertigo NOT suggested!!!!
We were up a bit...
Sunday we went out to check Capitol Reef, lotsa rocky cliffs!!!
This is when 'Vette pulled in... and that guy with her.... Mal... GBG
One of the roads across Nv, they all have this sign, watch out for range cattle... I saw 3 HERDS of cattle!!! Passed within 25 feet of one laying down and she was not pleased!!! NEVER saw an animal before!!! 3 herds!!!!! This was on Nv 375 - Extraterrestrial Highway... 100 miles of nothing, but going by Rachael.....
Monday was time to head thru Jellystone!!! Both days I was blessed with high clouds, it was even cool up on top!!! Had my Whoa Nelly Delly sandwich at this lake...
Yeah, this lake.. GBG
On 120 headed towards Manteca, the fire a couple years ago really burned the wood!!!
Great time!!!! Thanks again UTVROC!!!!!